Get Better Credit with The 5 Cs

Mortgage Tips Kimberly Coutts 13 Oct

Our DLC Marketing team recently share the below article with us.  Figured it was great information to post on the Blog. Buying your first home is an incredible step in life, but it is not without its hurdles! One of which is demonstrating that you are creditworthy, which all comes down to your ability to […]

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Let’s Talk Mortgage Payments

General Kimberly Coutts 6 Oct

So you’re all set and you’ve found your new home.  You’ve now received a commitment from your mortgage broker and lender however there’s an area on the commitment form that provides all these payment options and you’re unsure of what it all means and how it affects your mortgage then look no further for a […]

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Sugar Free & Dairy Free Fudgesicles – Too Good to Not Share

General Kimberly Coutts 24 Jun

Happy Thursday, It’s going to be a hot one over the next week here in Vancouver and we’ll be sitting under a heat dome.  And while we typically don’t have them in our part of the world, we’ll be experiencing an intense high-pressure system.  We may be heading into the hottest period of time ever […]

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25 Secrets Your Banker Doesn’t Want You to Know

Mortgage Tips Kimberly Coutts 29 May

Lots of times, I write my own articles but I’m also fortunate to have a fantastic Marketing team that supports us.  One of their  most recent articles was “25 Secrets Your Banker Doesn’t Want You to Know”.  There was too much good information here not to share. Twenty-five or thirty years can sound like an […]

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Mompreneurs & LOVE-19 GC#4 Giveaway

Kim's Monthly VIP Club News Kimberly Coutts 8 May

On this Mother’s Day Weekend, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate all the mamas out there.  It is no easy feat being a Mother and yet it’s been made more challenging as we’re now 1+ years into this pandemic.  I hope this weekend you are celebrated and thanked for doing the best but […]

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General Kimberly Coutts 22 Apr

Bank of Canada Holds Rates Steady, But Pares Bond-Buying Program. By Dr. Sherry Cooper Chief Economist, Dominion Lending Centres Bank of Canada Scales Back Bond Buying Today, the Bank of Canada held its target for the overnight rate at the effective lower bound of ¼ percent. The Bank is also adjusting its bond-buying program from weekly net […]

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Subject Free Mortgages – When and When Not to Do It

General Kimberly Coutts 20 Apr

We are full into spring home-buying season after what was already an unusually busy 3 months, I thought I’d delve into the subject of subject free offers. If you truly want to go in subject free because you believe it’ll be the only way to land your dream home, then please ensure that you take […]

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What does the proposed increase to 5.25% stress test really mean?

General Kimberly Coutts 11 Apr

I wanted to reach out this weekend to talk about the proposed mortgage rules tightening up on June 1st given you might have a lot of questions.  As you know the media always likes to grab onto the latest soundbite and they most definitely love negative news more than the positive. Canada’s top banking watchdog, The […]

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Mortgage Transfer Case Study

General Kimberly Coutts 10 Mar

As you know, my personal newsletter isn’t mortgage focused all the time but this was too good not to share.  And if you’re wanting to go straight to the monthly draw and check it out, head to the bottom of the email.  One lucky female whether it’s you or the woman in your life will win […]

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Let’s talk increased interest rates

General Kimberly Coutts 28 Feb

Happy Sunday! With the rise in interest rates in the news this week I thought it would be great to share a quick blog post to clarify as you’re likely wondering what this means to me as a home-owner or future buyer.  The news outlets as you know love to create hype. There are 4 […]

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