Bank of Canada cuts key interest rate again, more cuts ‘reasonable’ if inflation keeps easing

General Kimberly Coutts 24 Jul

Happy Wednesday!

Not sure where all the sunshine went this morning given the good news that the Bank of Canada once again reduced rates but here we are with another .25% rate reduction!

Great news for those variable rate mortgage holders, those with balances on Lines of Credit and also those with car loans tied to Prime.  If you want to see how it may affect you feel free to download my Mortgage Calculator and do the math on your own personal mortgage as it’s somewhat dependent on your term, discount and of course amortization.

Please note that Bank of Canada Prime is now officially at 6.7% down from its high of 7.2% thus your interest rate will be Prime of 6.7% – the discount you obtained.

For those of you in Variable Rate Mortgages you’ll likely see the decrease in monthly payment next month or in September depending on when your payment is.  For those in Static Variable Rate Mortgages, your monthly payment won’t be impacted however you’ll see more of the payment go towards your monthly principal.

With the decrease in the Bank of Canada Prime there may now be a psychological shift for those that have been sitting on the sidelines.  If that is you, please feel free to get in touch to book a Discovery Call.

In the meantime, check out this interview that I did with Coreena Robertson from The Market Online where we discuss a variety of topics from how a rate cut might affect the real estate market, the difference between a variable and fixed rate and what to do with the equity in your home.

Below is a summary of the Bank’s rationale for this decision, including it’s forward-looking comments for signs of what may happen in the last 6 months of 2024.

Canadian inflation including shelter inflation

  • Inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index moderated to 2.7% in June after increasing in May
  • Broad inflationary pressures are easing, and the Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation have been below 3% for several months and the breadth of price increases across components of the CPI is now near its historical norm
  • Shelter price inflation remains high, driven by rent and mortgage interest costs, and is still the biggest contributor to total inflation
  • Inflation is also elevated in services that are closely affected by wages, such as restaurants and personal care

Canadian economic performance and outlook

  • Economic growth “likely” picked up to about 1.5% through the first half of 2024, however, with robust population growth of about 3%, the economy’s potential output is still growing faster than GDP, which means excess supply has increased
  • Household spending, including both consumer purchases and housing, has been “weak”
  • There are signs of slack in the labour market with the unemployment rate rising to 6.4% and with employment continuing to grow more slowly than the labour force and job seekers taking longer to find work
  • Wage growth is showing some signs of moderating, but remains elevated
  • GDP growth is forecast to increase in the second half of 2024 and through 2025, reflecting stronger exports and a recovery in household spending and business investment as borrowing costs ease
  • Residential investment is expected to grow robustly
  • With new government limits on admissions of non-permanent residents, population growth should slow in 2025

Global economic performance and outlook

  • The global economy is expected to continue expanding at an annual rate of about 3% through 2026
  • While inflation is still above central bank targets in most advanced economies, it is forecast to ease gradually
  • In the United States, an anticipated economic slowdown is materializing, with consumption growth moderating and US inflation appearing to resume its downward path
  • In the euro area, growth is picking up following a weak 2023
  • China’s economy is growing modestly, with weak domestic demand partially offset by strong exports
  • Global financial conditions have eased, with lower bond yields, buoyant equity prices, and robust corporate debt issuances
  • The Canadian dollar has been relatively stable and oil prices are around the levels assumed in the Bank’s April’s Monetary Policy Report

Summary comments and outlook

The Bank forecasts that Canadian GDP will grow at 1.2% in 2024, 2.1% in 2025, and 2.4% in 2026 and that a strengthening economy will gradually absorb excess supply through 2025 and into 2026.

As a result of an easing in broad price pressures, the Bank expects inflation to move closer to 2%, its long-stated goal. As a result, the Bank’s Governing Council decided to reduce the policy interest rate by 25 basis points.

It further noted that while ongoing excess supply is lowering inflationary pressures, price pressures in some important parts of the economy—notably shelter and some other services—are “holding inflation up.”

Accordingly, the Bank said it is carefully assessing these “opposing forces.” Monetary policy decisions therefore will be guided by incoming information and the Bank’s assessment of the implications for the inflation outlook.

Once again, the statement noted in conclusion that the Bank remains “resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.”

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about your own personal situation.

Canadian Inflation Fell in June, Setting the Stage For BoC Rate Cut

General Kimberly Coutts 16 Jul

Canadian Inflation Fell in June, Setting the Stage For BoC Rate Cut

Inflation unexpectedly slipped 0.1% (not seasonally adjusted) in June, following a 0.6% increase in May. This was the first decline in six months. The monthly decrease was driven by lower prices for travel tours (-11.1%) and gasoline (-3.1%).

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 2.7% year over year in June, down from a 2.9% gain in May. The deceleration was mainly due to slower year-over-year growth in gasoline prices, which rose 0.4% in June following a 5.6% increase in May. Excluding gasoline, the CPI rose 2.8% in June.

Lower prices for durable goods (-1.8%) y/y also contributed to the slowdown in the all-items CPI in June, following a 0.8% decline in May. An increase in prices for food purchased from stores (+2.1%) moderated the deceleration, as well as a smaller decline for cellular services in June (-12.8%) compared with May (-19.4%).


The Bank of Canada’s preferred measures of core inflation, the trim and median core rates, exclude the more volatile price movements to assess the level of underlying inflation. The CPI trim was unchanged in June at 2.9%, above the market’s expectation of 2.8%. The CPI median fell two ticks to 2.6%.

The third chart below shows the 3- and 6-month moving averages for the average of median and trim CPI measured as an annualized percentage change. While the 3-month moving average has accelerated to about 3%, the 6–month measure has fallen to just over 2%.


Bottom Line

Today’s inflation reading is good news for the Bank of Canada, giving them leeway to cut interest rates next week. June marks the sixth consecutive month that the headline yearly inflation rate has been within the BoC’s target range, bringing the annual pace of price pressures back to its weakest levels since 2021.

Today’s inflation data will give the central bank confidence that the May rise in inflation was temporary. Annual inflation will reach the Bank’s 2% target by some time next year. This opens the way for the Bank to cut the overnight rate on July 24 by 25 bps to 4.5%.

According to Bloomberg News, traders in overnight swaps increased their bets that the Bank of Canada would cut rates next Wednesday, putting the odds at about 90% compared with 80% before the release.

Yesterday’s business and consumer outlook surveys point towards slowing growth in firms’ input and selling prices amid a weaker economic backdrop. Inflation expectations fell in June and are now in the BoC’s target range. Businesses are expecting weaker soft demand. The unemployment rate is trending higher, and the share of firms reporting labour shortages is near a record low. Companies’ expectations for wage increases over the next year have slowed. Overall, capacity constraints “have returned close to their historical average.”

The central bank flagged that consumer survey respondents still think domestic factors, including fiscal policy and elevated housing costs, are “contributing to high inflation.” Home-buying intentions are near historical averages, the bank said, and are supported by “strong plans” among newcomers to buy homes.

Another rate cut is coming next week, which will help to spur housing activity

Dr. Sherry Cooper
Chief Economist, Dominion Lending Centres

Weaker-than-expected Jobs Report Keeps Further BoC Rate Cuts In Play

General Kimberly Coutts 5 Jul

Weaker-Than-Expected June Jobs Report Keeps BoC Rate Cuts In Play


Canadian employment data, released today by Statistics Canada, showed a marked slowdown, which historically would have been a harbinger of recession. This cycle, immigration has augmented the growth of the labour force and consumer spending, forestalling a significant economic downturn. Nevertheless, the Bank of Canada will continue to cut interest rates by at least 175 basis points through next year. Whether they do so at their next meeting on July 24 will depend on the June inflation data released on July 16.

Canada shed 1,400 jobs last month, following a 26,700 increase in May. Economists had been expecting a stronger showing. Monthly job gains have averaged around 30,000 in the past year, while labour force growth has been more than 50,000, causing the jobless rate to rise. Full-time jobs declined marginally while part-time work edged upward. Job losses in June were led by decreases in transportation and warehousing, information and recreation, and wholesale and retail trade.

Regionally, jobs decreased in Quebec but rose in New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.


Population growth isn’t likely to slow shortly, meaning that anything short of about a 45k employment gain will increase the jobless rate. The jobless rate rose to 6.4%, up two ticks from a month earlier and 1.6 percentage points above the July 2022 cycle low. It is also the highest level since 2017 (excluding the pandemic). The rising unemployment rate aligned with the Bank of Canada’s rhetoric that higher interest rates damaged the labour market and strengthened the case for further rate cuts to support the economy.


Total hours worked were down 0.4% in June. On a year-over-year basis, total hours worked were up 1.1%.

Average hourly wages among employees increased 5.4% in June on a year-over-year basis, following growth of 5.1% in May (not seasonally adjusted). This won’t sit well with the central bank’s Governing Council, but they realize that wage inflation is a lagging economic indicator, and rapidly rising unemployment will ultimately dampen wage inflation.

The data were released at the same time as US payrolls, which showed hiring moderated in June and prior months were revised lower. This boosts the odds that the Federal Reserve will begin to cut interest rates in the coming months. Fluctuations in the loonie are often driven by the difference between US and Canadian interest rates, owing to the two countries’ tight economic links.


Bottom Line

Traders in overnight swaps increased their bets that the Bank of Canada will cut borrowing costs again in July, putting the odds at around two-thirds, up from around 55% before the release.

In a speech last week, Macklem said it’s “not surprising” that wages are moderating more slowly than inflation because wages tend to lag the trend in job growth. He also said the unemployment rate could rise further, but a significant increase isn’t needed to get inflation back to the 2% target.

Economic Insights from Dr. Sherry Cooper

General Kimberly Coutts 2 Jul

The Bank of Canada finally began an easing cycle on June 5, taking their overnight policy rate down 25 bps to 4.75%–the first major central bank to do so. The housing market has languished over the past year with extremely weak affordability.

The Multiple-Listing Service Home Price Index fell again in May and is now down 2.4% year-over-year and is off 14.4% from the early 2022 peak when the overnight rate was a mere 25 basis points. Average transaction prices are down 4% y/y and off nearly 15% from the high.

Except for Calgary, housing markets across the country are in a buyers’ market as inventories of active listings have risen and sales have slowed. Calgary prices were up just under 10% y/y in May, pushing new record highs by the month. In the meantime, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal prices are all flat or down from a year ago, and they are still tucked below the levels seen at the early 2022 high.

The significant drivers in Calgary’s outperformance have been more substantial population growth (juiced by interprovincial inflows), better affordability, and valuations that might make some sense for investors.

Even with their lackluster performance since the Bank of Canada began hiking interest rates in March 2022, home prices are still high, having tripled in the past two decades, posting an average 5.7% annual rise, while inflation averaged only 2.2% per year over the same period.

Moreover, the total return on the Toronto Stock Exchange over the same period has been much higher still, averaging 7.9% annually over the past two decades. Despite the recent mini selloff in stocks, the TSX has boasted a more robust return than housing over time. And the US stock market has significantly outperformed the TSX.

Of course, there are significant differences between these two asset classes. Stocks are passive investments that do not provide a place to live or require repairs and maintenance. Housing is more than just a financial investment; it is a lifestyle choice that provides the necessary shelter.

The Bank of Canada will continue to lower interest rates as inflation reaches its 2% target. We expect the overnight rate to fall to about 3% by the end of the easing cycle. But even with only one quarter-point rate cut, bond yields have already fallen significantly in anticipation.

Many mortgage lenders, including three of Canada’s Big Six banks, are slashing fixed mortgage rates, a welcome development for those facing renewal in the coming months. Lenders have already started trimming rates in the wake of a nearly 40-basis-point drop in bond yields, which typically leads fixed mortgage rate pricing.

Over 70% of outstanding mortgages will be renewed within two years. Falling mortgage rates could help soften the payment shock expected for the estimated 2.2 million mortgages that will be renewing at higher rates in the next two years.

But just because rates are falling doesn’t mean all lenders will offer equally low rates in their renewal letters. Typically, they don’t just hand out their especially low rates. That’s where a mortgage broker provides real value, educating borrowers about alternative options, which can be used to haggle a better rate even if they decide not to switch lenders.

For insurable mortgages, the borrower does not need to re-qualify when switching lenders. However, for uninsured mortgage switches, OSFI head Peter Routledge recently rejected renewed calls to remove the mortgage stress test for federally regulated lenders. Knowing your options to improve your bargaining power with your existing lender still pays.

There is a record number of resale condos on the market, and new construction is at a record high. While there remains a longer-term shortage of affordable housing for rent and purchase, it will probably be another year before markets equilibrate and sellers have the advantage.

Housing activity has likely bottomed and will increase as interest rates fall.

Entering the Housing Market

General Kimberly Coutts 2 Jul


With the first Bank of Canada rate drop having occurred in June, many individuals are looking at the housing market with renewed vigor and an expectation that rates will continue to come down to a more sustainable level.

If you are someone who is considering entering the housing market this summer, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

With the first Bank of Canada rate drop having occurred in June, many individuals are looking at the housing market with renewed vigor and an expectation that rates will continue to come down to a more sustainable level.

If you are someone who is considering entering the housing market this summer, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Determine Your Budget: Download my app from Google Play or the Apple iStore to help you calculate mortgage payments, affordability, the income required to qualify, and even estimate your closing costs! It also allows you to connect directly with me through the app so that I can answer any questions you have right in the palm of your hand.

Save For a Down Payment: Your typical down payment should be at least 5% of the purchase price, though 20% down is preferable as anything below that requires default insurance. Your down payment can be done through your own savings account or RRSP’s.

  • Thanks to the Federal Government’s Home Buyer’s Plan, first-time homebuyers can leverage up to $60,000 from their RRSPs (maximum of $120,000 for a couple).
  • PRO TIP: The First Home Savings Account (FHSA) is specifically designed to help first-time homebuyers save for their down payment without having to pay taxes on the interest earned on their savings.

Take Advantage of First-Time Buyer Programs: Did you know? First-time home buyers are eligible for an exemption, reducing the amount of property transfer tax paid, depending on the property’s value.

  • PRO TIP: In addition, Ontario, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, and the City of Toronto offer land transfer tax rebates for first-time homebuyers.

Get Pre-Approved: This means that a lender has stated (in writing) that you qualify for a mortgage and what amount, based on submitted documentation of your current income and credit history. A pre-approval usually specifies a term, interest rate, and mortgage amount and is typically valid for a brief period, assuming various conditions are met.

There are a few benefits to pre-approval such as:

  • It confirms the maximum amount you can afford to spend.
  • It can secure you an interest rate for 90-120 while you shop for your new home
  • It lets the seller know that securing financing should not be an issue. This is extremely important for competitive markets where lots of offers may be coming in.

Understand the Closing Costs: Closing costs are a one-time fee associated with the sale of a home and are separate from the mortgage insurance and down payment. Typically, these costs range from 1.5-4% of the purchase price, depending on your location. Factoring these costs into your maximum budget can help you narrow down an entirely affordable home and ensure future financial stability and security.

Here are a few closing costs to keep an eye out for:

  • Land Transfer Tax: This is calculated as a percentage of the purchase price of your home, with the amount varying in each province. Some cities, such as Toronto, also have a municipal LTT.
  • Legal Fees and Disbursements: You can expect to incur a minimum of $500 (plus GST/HST) on legal fees for the preparation and recording of official documents.
  • Title Insurance: Most lenders require title insurance to protect against losses in the event of a property ownership dispute. This is purchased through your lawyer/notary and is typically $300 or more.
  • PST on CMHC Insurance: Though CMHC insurance itself is financed through the mortgage, PST on the insurance is typically paid at the lawyers and sometimes deducted from your advance.
  • Home Inspection Fee: A home inspection is highly recommended as a condition of your Offer to Purchase to prevent any future surprises. This can cost around $500.
  • Appraisal Fee: An appraisal is performed to certify the lender of the resale value of the home in the case you default on the mortgage. The cost is usually $400 – $600 but is typically covered by the lender.
  • Property Insurance: Property insurance covers the cost of replacing your home and its contents, and must be in place on closing day. This is paid in monthly or annual premiums.
  • Prepaid Utility Bills: You may need to reimburse the previous owner of your property for prepaid costs such as property taxes, utilities, and so forth.
  • Property Taxes: Property taxes are due on an annual basis and are calculated as a percentage of the home value and vary by municipality. You also may need to reimburse the previous property owner if he/she has already paid property taxes for the full year.

Getting Proper Coverage: Purchasing a home is likely the largest investment you will make, and you want to ensure it is protected.

Various insurance items can be obtained for your home, including:

  • Title Insurance: Required by most lenders to protect against losses should a property ownership dispute arise. This insurance is done through your lawyer/notary and typically runs $100-$300.
  • Mortgage Protection Insurance: An optional debt replacement that protects your family should anything happen in the future. Many homeowners believe they are covered through their life insurance policy, but the Manulife Mortgage Protection Plan is different. Before closing, it’s important to look at the costs and coverage for you!
  • Property & Fire Insurance: Mandatory and needs to be arranged before your closing appointment. Not sure how much to budget for? Get quotes from various insurance companies! Your lawyer/notary or myself can provide recommendations
  • Default Insurance: Only required if you purchase a house with less than a 20% down payment.

Whether you’re looking at a condo, townhouse, rancher, or a two-story property, there is nothing quite like your first home! However, the mortgage process can be intimidating – and that’s where I come in! If you’re looking to get started on your home-buying journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to me today.